Simosuchus Skull Cast
Simosuchus Skull Cast
Simosuchus is an herbivorous, heavily armored crocodile known as the "Pug-nosed croc" because of its short, adorable face.
The teeth resemble tiny maple leaves, leaving paleontologists to conclude it ate plants. It was about 3' long and quite plump. It lived 66 million years ago, in the Late Cretaceous of Madagascar.
This is a life-sized skull 3D scanned and printed from the original material, which was a nearly complete skull. It is research ready and comes with a display stand.
Dimensions: 5.5” (L) x 4.5” (W) x 3.5” (H), ~5.3” tall on stand
Fossil Crates donates a portion of the proceeds to, a charity dedicated to providing education and healthcare to remote villages near Malagasy fossil localities.
***Contact for a current estimate regarding how long it will take to complete the order.***