Fun Paleo Images

Dr. Brian Curtice working in the collections of the Brigham Young University Museum of Paleontology


Asleep on the job!  Unfortunately I had to dig 5' down to reach the bone layer.  That took a bit of work, thankfully I had pneumatic tools to assist!


Dr. Brian Curtice with the arm and shoulderblade of Brachiosaurus (now called Giraffatitan) brancai in the Humboldt Museum for Naturkunde.


1994 and posing with the shoulderblade of what at the time was known as Ultrasaurus, now known to be a Brachiosaurus.



In this line of work you get dusty and dirty even indoors!  And I always seem to be working in precarious places, here I am at the Carnegie Museum of Natural History working on a shaky ladder measuring tail bones.

Doing some light cleaning before measuring the Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History's Apatosaurus skeleton.  I did appreciate how they mounted the tails touching the ground, yes it was erroneous as their tails were held straight out from their body, but it made measuring them so much easier!

This young lad is Dr. Brian Curtice in 1994, working on a backbone of Supersaurus.  


Jacob Jett fearlessly working atop a hoodoo to excavate a duck-billed dinosaur weathering from the cliff.  


Fossils get their own valet service, care of Jacob Jett!


Jacob Jett securing a fossil for jacketing, the process wherein the fossil is encased in burlap and plaster for safe transportation to a museum where it can be safely prepared for study.

Jacob Jett, paleo strongman!  


No fear of heights for Jacob!